Apply ice bag over affected area intermittently for the first 24 hours to minimize swelling and discomfort.
To minimize bleeding do not rinse, spit, or drink through a straw for 24 hours. Expect slight bleeding after the surgical procedure.
Rinse with lukewarm salt Water, (1/2 teaspoon in an eight ounce glass) several times per day after the first 24 hours, or use a prescription rinse twice a day as directed.
Avoid brushing the surgical Site until directed to do so. Resume routine oral hygiene in uninvolved areas after the first 24 hours. It is important to keep the mouth as clean as possible to promote healing.
Maintain a proper diet. Eat soft, nutritious foods, (chopped meats, eggs, cottage cheese, soup, malteds, mashed potatoes, pasta, etc)
Avoid smoking, alcohol, carbonated beverages, spicy foods and excessively hot foods and liquids for at least 24 hours.
Take prescription medications as directed. Do not be worried by slight swelling, bleeding, bruising, or discomfort. If you feel that there is a problem or if you have any questions, please call the office.