I understand that Dr. Lindsey A. George D.D.S. and Lindsey Dentistry PLLC will not be a Participating Provider with United Concordia Dental's Concordia Advantage network level of plans after 12/31/2024. I accept that I may or may not have any out of network benefits applicable to continuing my care with Dr. Lindsey George and Lindsey Dentistry PLLC. If I am eligable for any benefits, it is expected that I will be reimbursed directly from United Concordia Companies Insurance AFTER care has been provided, and payment in-full of the practice's usual & customary fees are made due at the time of service. I also understand that I may have other applicable insurance coverage, plans, or arrangments that may still be considered for all applicable In-Network benefits and contract terms.
By signing below, I consent that I have proper authorization to sign on the behalf of all above named patients.